Thursday, October 31, 2013

No Fences...

The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.

All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.

Here is an Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was.  Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years.  Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive?  It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with.  Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life's energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?

Are we all dupes?  Probably.  But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet.  That construct is flight or fight fear.  Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game.  The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.

Life itself is why we are here to begin with.  I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race.  I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden.  Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature.  That's because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature.  Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly.  We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.

Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times.  I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before. 

I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization.  An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion.  It simply grinds what was into what will be.  Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.

This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men.  On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age.  Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.

One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree.  The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did.  There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted.  There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).

I am no saint.  How could I be?  I am placed here to entertain God.  I cannot do that by doing what is advertised.  What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value.  How boring to the creator.  How pathetic to self.

The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators.  All nations are based on genocide.  All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.

We call "indian" lands and people "nations", but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, and they never had a no trespassing sign.  These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.
All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.
Here is an example….is Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was. Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years. Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive? It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with. Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life’s energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?
Are we all dupes? Probably. But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet. That construct is flight or fight fear. Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game. The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.
Life itself is why we are here to begin with. I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race. I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden. Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature. That’s because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature. Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly. We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.
Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times. I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before.
I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization. An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion. It simply grinds what was into what will be. Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.
This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men. On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age. Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.
One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree. The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did. There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted. There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).
I am no saint. How could I be? I am placed here to entertain God. I cannot do that by doing what is advertised. What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value. How boring to the creator. How pathetic to self.
The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators. All nations are based on genocide. All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.
We call “indian” lands and people “nations”, but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign. These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
- See more at:
Your message is true, Zen.

The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.

All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.

Here is an Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was.  Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years.  Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive?  It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with.  Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life's energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?

Are we all dupes?  Probably.  But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet.  That construct is flight or fight fear.  Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game.  The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.

Life itself is why we are here to begin with.  I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race.  I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden.  Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature.  That's because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature.  Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly.  We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.

Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times.  I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before. 

I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization.  An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion.  It simply grinds what was into what will be.  Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.

This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men.  On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age.  Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.

One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree.  The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did.  There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted.  There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).

I am no saint.  How could I be?  I am placed here to entertain God.  I cannot do that by doing what is advertised.  What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value.  How boring to the creator.  How pathetic to self.

The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators.  All nations are based on genocide.  All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.

We call "indian" lands and people "nations", but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign.  These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.

Your message is true, Zen.

The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.

All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.

Here is an Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was.  Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years.  Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive?  It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with.  Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life's energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?

Are we all dupes?  Probably.  But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet.  That construct is flight or fight fear.  Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game.  The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.

Life itself is why we are here to begin with.  I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race.  I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden.  Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature.  That's because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature.  Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly.  We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.

Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times.  I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before. 

I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization.  An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion.  It simply grinds what was into what will be.  Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.

This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men.  On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age.  Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.

One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree.  The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did.  There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted.  There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).

I am no saint.  How could I be?  I am placed here to entertain God.  I cannot do that by doing what is advertised.  What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value.  How boring to the creator.  How pathetic to self.

The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators.  All nations are based on genocide.  All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.

We call "indian" lands and people "nations", but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign.  These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.
All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.
Here is an example….is Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was. Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years. Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive? It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with. Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life’s energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?
Are we all dupes? Probably. But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet. That construct is flight or fight fear. Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game. The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.
Life itself is why we are here to begin with. I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race. I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden. Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature. That’s because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature. Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly. We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.
Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times. I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before.
I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization. An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion. It simply grinds what was into what will be. Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.
This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men. On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age. Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.
One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree. The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did. There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted. There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).
I am no saint. How could I be? I am placed here to entertain God. I cannot do that by doing what is advertised. What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value. How boring to the creator. How pathetic to self.
The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators. All nations are based on genocide. All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.
We call “indian” lands and people “nations”, but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign. These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
- See more at:
The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.
All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.
Here is an example….is Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was. Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years. Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive? It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with. Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life’s energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?
Are we all dupes? Probably. But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet. That construct is flight or fight fear. Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game. The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.
Life itself is why we are here to begin with. I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race. I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden. Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature. That’s because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature. Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly. We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.
Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times. I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before.
I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization. An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion. It simply grinds what was into what will be. Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.
This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men. On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age. Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.
One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree. The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did. There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted. There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).
I am no saint. How could I be? I am placed here to entertain God. I cannot do that by doing what is advertised. What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value. How boring to the creator. How pathetic to self.
The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators. All nations are based on genocide. All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.
We call “indian” lands and people “nations”, but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign. These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
- See more at:
The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.
All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.
Here is an example….is Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was. Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years. Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive? It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with. Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life’s energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?
Are we all dupes? Probably. But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet. That construct is flight or fight fear. Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game. The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.
Life itself is why we are here to begin with. I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race. I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden. Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature. That’s because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature. Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly. We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.
Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times. I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before.
I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization. An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion. It simply grinds what was into what will be. Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.
This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men. On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age. Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.
One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree. The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did. There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted. There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).
I am no saint. How could I be? I am placed here to entertain God. I cannot do that by doing what is advertised. What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value. How boring to the creator. How pathetic to self.
The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators. All nations are based on genocide. All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.
We call “indian” lands and people “nations”, but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign. These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
- See more at:

Saturday, August 10, 2013

What Will it Take to get America Back on Track?

The most difficult part about measuring what it would take to get America back on track lies is in the realization that this country isn't off the rails in the first place.  Not only is the United States of America not "broken", as we the people are lead to believe, it is functioning exactly as the purveyors and enforcers have designed it to be.  Like all centralized governments, what it advertises itself to be and what it actually is are polar opposites.  Only once that fact is understood - that a centralized government is posing as a constitutional republic as a means to enchant the people - can the causes, effects and solutions be unraveled.

The United States of America was never intended to be a centralized government in the least, no more evidenced than in the founding documents of the nation: the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. 

The first of these two, the Declaration of Independence, is quintessential, as without it, the Constitution could never exist.  In its preamble, the Declaration lays out plainly and eloquently that the self-righteous and special men of centralized government are false, and when those government men overstate bounds and purpose, their time is at an end.  The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness can only occur when men empower themselves and disempower government. 

Where the Declaration leaves off - a need for a new form of government - the Constitution fulfills. From the first sentence to the last it envices that the Constitutional government is a government by the people and for the people.  A primary purpose of the Constitution is to outline the inner workings of the national government, and it states quite clearly that a majority of the power resides with the states, and the only boundary to the legal, fiscal, and ethical bulwark of those states is the Constitution and its ratified amendments.  The nature of these ideals, that men control their own lives by controlling the government directly, rather than hoping from afar, is counterintuitive to every aspect of the current form of centralized government in America.

The consequences of a centralized government are apparent in the failures occurring in every faction of life in America.  The downfall of economy, ecology, spirituality, health, ethics, morality, and intellectualism are only a few examples.  An essay could be written about each of those topics alone.  What is important to focus on is that each of these symptoms is caused by a singular point of failure, a parasite known as centralized government.

The founding fathers put forth a great deal of effort to prevent this from happening.  They had the bravery and ability to deny an existing, controlling force of centralized government, and then produce an evolved social contract that allowed the populace a form of government that was subdivided into unique and diverse smaller republics, each carrying equal power, and each competing for dominant diversity.

The brilliance of that idealism has always been under attack.  From the beginning it was a financial attack, using military threat and pressure as a cause to drain resources from a fledgling nation.  It is a well-known plan that the means to control a nation are to control its economic debt, and using that, the alien financial banking powers set out to indebt this nation.  Throughout the decades and centuries, those plans created a national debt that is now insurmountable.  Through that debt, a political situation set forth that forced the social contract from its intended purpose to a centralized one. 

The United States has a governmental system that is debt indentured to corporate banks that carry no nationality, nor do they answer to any system of justice.  The nation itself is bankrupt, and because of this, every state in the union is in the throes of bankruptcy, and thus must comply with the rule of centralized government law.  All state laws comply with central law, and for every state law of consequence, there is a centralized law that supersedes it.  The political and judicial factions of the centralized government are compromised and rotten to the core.  All centralized governmental decisions are made for the absolute purpose of furthering the control of the centralized government, and keeping the profit train running for those that are in the class circles of central government, all to the detriment of the people.

Additionally, a two-tier pipeline of political rule controls the so-called “democratic” political system.  At the centralized level, the state level, the county level, the municipal level and every level, all political elections and apparatus are under the direct controlling influence of the two political parties.  All decision-making for the electorate are passed down these pipelines from the centralized source of political think.  Therefore, no matter the pretension of Pollyanna campaign promise and change, all political candidates are lackeys for an either/or two party conglomerate of centralized government.  The hub of both of these parties is located in the heart of centralized government, and all political control originates from that position.  That the populace is given a vote to choose from, one of two political candidates, conveniently hand selected by the political bosses, is hardly democracy.  How can a man be represented by a stranger he has never met, never known, nor can ever come in contact with?  He cannot. 

Through this, the vast majority of control at the centralized level occurs in a district that is separate from the states, and is extremely disconnected from the people.  The elected politicians, located in the capitol to purportedly represent the people, are in reality disconnects under a constant lobbyist influence from alien (meaning absent of nationality) financial and corporate interests.  The voice of the common man is no greater than a wadded up fax paper in a trashcan.  The common citizen of the United States has almost no influence, and is anything but represented, as the elected representatives hold term in offices that are purposely walled off from the citizenry.  The entryway into these anything but esteemed halls of political influence is deeply guarded by corporate masters and lords of finance.  Like every other government in all known history, the government of the United States is completely centralized, bureaucratized, and serves a select elite while taking all it can from the masses.  The means of this political play require that the government is located and sealed off from the influence of the national citizens to the greatest degree possible.

The system and situation as it stands cannot be changed using the means given.  Those in control of it have purposefully morphed it into an anti-constitutional, anti-republic monster.  The reason for that is profit – at any cost.  The people are a nothing more than a source of energy for a conglomerate of class disconnects that suck energy out of everything.  There is no vote, or law, or political change that will make a difference.  It is impossible to change a system that is under the control of frauds, and purposefully designed to operate in a manner contrary to the change it promises.  It is this way because those in control are profiting to a level that is unfathomable.  Why would those in control ever want or allow change to a system that makes them obscenely rich, and those outside of their circle minions?  If an answer cannot be given to that question, then every other imagined solution within the current system is futile.

The United States of America is not what it purports to be.  It isn’t even close.  It takes billions of dollars in advertising every year to convince the people to believe it one thing, when in fact it is many others.  But the truth is on the table, or maybe evidenced by what is not on our tables.  The downfall of every aspect of American society can be attributed to a parasite that is bleeding this nation dry.  We the people are its host, and until we wake up to the infection, we are going to find ourselves to be servants to fief-lords that tolerate our naiveté and service until they deem it no longer useful.

The only solution goes back to the beginning.  America was initially broken away from a centralized governmental oppressor because of that government’s profiteering motives.  America developed a Constitutional republic to prevent that from happening again.  Yet after over two and half centuries, the financial manipulators and political snakes have turned it into what people were revolting against in the first place.  Back then, all money, power and decision occurred outside of public influence by a monarch on the throne.  That monarch had his colonies ripe for the picking, and cared little for the suffering of the inhabitants.  It is little different today, only now the titles have changed, but the policy-makers have the same agendas, and it all comes back to profits from the labor value of the common man.

What must happen is a dissolving of the current centralized government, to be replaced by the republic, with power residing in the individual states, and disseminating to the freedom of the individual man.  Men must have definite control of the governmental decisions locally, as well as the benefit of their tax dollars directly to their locale.

The men that bravely resisted the yoke of dictatorial powers of centralized government, and created a new social contract that placed the responsibility and liability for their lives, their liberty and their happiness directly in their hands, were responsible for the greatest evolution of civilization in all known history.  Untended, that evolution is unfortunately short lived.  As we can see from the ills plaguing current society and the world, a continuance of a centralized governmental system is a negation of the constitutional and republican system in full.  It is also the downfall of men.

From here, men of character, critical thought, and courage must create anew a declaration of independence, and a constitutional social contract, and then guard it with their lives from the demonic oppressors of profit and ill-will.  Without such action, a nation and a world will live as slaves to a system of greed and avarice that knows no justice or empathy for anything.  The means on paper is not too difficult, as the majority of it has already been written.  The hard part exists as it has always existed, which is to change belief systems from self-absorbance to self-reliance.  In truth, the greatest governor of a man is himself, guided by the expectations of those surrounding him.  Government ascends from there, rather than descending from elites commanding lives for profit from above.

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal…

The Loophole

All law is one giant loophole. Anything that can be interpreted by men can be manipulated to any level of control or lack of control.

Combine that with all law written in legalese, by men sworn to the alien BAR, and you have a group of self anointed (lawyers) with unbridled dictatorial powers. The common man cannot know the law, it is against the law. The common man cannot argue the law, he must hire strangers to do it for him. The common man cannot even realise how the law can be applied to his life until it is, to his detriment, and beyond his influence.

Whatever this great experiment in government started out as, purportedly a constitutional republic, it has morphed into exactly what the declaration railed against in the first place. The government men and their agencies currently have, and have had for decades if not centuries, complete dictatorial authority over the people. The only thing that keeps them from unleashing that authority is that at the same time these insidious bastards must deceive the public into believing that a constitutional republic still exists. It is a tapdance, and when the curtain is finally pulled away, the only law will be delivered at the point of a gun with murderous intent, which is the only factual authority any government has in the first place.

Nothing could be further from the truth than the belief that government is what it advertises itself as. How can a constitutional republic exist when all authority is centralized in an alien district with imperialistic war think as its playbook? How can a constitutional republic exist when there are so many legal statutes open to infinite interpretation by lawyers, that literally everything is against the law in one form or another. How can freedom or liberty be remotely possible when the people are not allowed to know or control the contracts put forth onto them? Answer, it can't, and it doesn't.

The Federal Government of the United States is a top down pyramid system of government. So are monarchies. So are dictatorships. So is communism and socialism. So too was the Roman empire, right up until it burned. Those who deny this have television, njewspapers and squawk radio to blame for their voluntary ignorance. One can just view the massive amount of labor value, converted into Federal debt notes, that flows to the alien district and then disappears into thin air. When strangers write the slave code, strangers can steal and kill with impunity.

So, whenever you read the word "loophole", remember that it is no accident that a loophole exists in the first place. Nothing about the government in its current form is broken, or failing due to mysterious circumstance. The Federal government is functioning precisely as it has been planned and designed to. It is not a government of, for or by the people. It is a government that parasitically sucks the labor value from the masses and hoards in the vaults of the few.  It will continue this action as long as it can fool the masses that it is what it isn't.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Drool of the Institutionalized Fool

This is written in light of the recent Boston Marathon bombing, as well as the innumerable shootings, terror attacks, traumatic natural events and any other thing that periodically captures and holds the minds of the great majority of Americans.

To begin with, I am a fan of empathy, sympathy, caring, and the wish to help people that are suffering in a traumatic event.  I think that is a deep-seated human behavior that has kept the only race of men on this planet (the human race) going for untold millennia. 

That said, there is a well developed phenomena that pervades the American and Western mindset that seems like it is a characterization of the above descriptors, but is in fact a poorly disguised excuse to do nothing, while convincing one’s self of doing all they could.

Let me explain.  Whenever an event of death, dismemberment, mayhem, destruction, explosions, terror, murder en masse and what have you, occur on a scale large enough to light up the mainstream media apparatus, a cycle begins and extends that has the exact opposite effect than most would believe it does.

To begin with, an event happens, and I will use the Boston Marathon pressure cooker bombing as an example since it is the freshest in the minds of people.  Once that happened, in an instant (almost faster than the event occurring, a la WTC building 7) the media responded with report after ever more sensationalized report of the “terror attack”.  Pictures, videos and text, combined with well designed and emotionally captivating stories, are played over and over in a cycle that requires the viewer to watch, read and listen for hours on end to get all of the details.  Getting all of the details is what it is all about.  Everything media produced, from TV to squawk radio to the paper rags are all well designed to stretch a story of death and dying out for weeks if it can.  None of it is truly about a service to the public, or information that is necessary to anyone’s lives.  It is all 100% about capturing the focus of human minds for an extended period of time.

Now many would say, “that’s what keeps media going, a story worth telling.”  That’s a laugher.  What enables media is advertising, paid for by corporations (soulless corporations), and that advertising sells through stories based on events that are sensational enough to be covered from enough angles to give staying power to the media outlet, and unbridled focus from the viewers, listeners and readers (VLRs).

Contrary to foolish belief, or the well-timed facial expressions and eye-candy theater of the media broadcaster, a media outlet could give a crap about the lives of human beings.  If it weren’t for tragic situations that harm, maim and murder multiple people at a time, media would be out of business.  Media knows that feel good stories are boring, a turn off, and create short attention spans.  Any feel good stories in the media are well planned and well placed to create an emotional fluctuation in the human psyche.  The real meat of it all lies in the events that produce fear in the mind of the human receiver, because as media moguls and advertising gurus know all too well, fear opens up mental doors that could not otherwise be opened.

The media, hand-in-hand with tragic, terrorist events, works almost the same as Pavlov’s dog.  In Pavlov’s experiments, a hungry dog was trained to respond to the ringing of a bell as a signal that food was on its way.  The dog knew this because soon after the bell rang, Pavlov would bring a tasty treat.  Thus, when the bell rang, the animal would begin salivating in preparation for that tasty treat.

The media version of this is as such.  A tragic event occurs, followed quickly by a media “news flash” informing VLRs that further information is necessary and imminent!  The VLRs then begin using their media devices to start searching for new bits of information, because media only knows how important it is to learn every aspect of the tragic and catastrophic deaths of strangers in some kind of slow played horror movie.  The talk begins around the water coolers, Latte machines, FB and Twitter accounts, and soon enough everyone that is anyone has the basic groundwork of information to know that something incredibly important has happened that requires complete and total attention and the utmost media centered research.

Once the newly indoctrinated media drones get ahold of a lasting source of continual stories, updates and gruesome details, the real magick begins.  The doors of fear, now fully opened, create a scenario where the attention cannot be pulled away, and every single element must be discovered and put into place, like a detective piecing together a puzzle on a reality crime TV show.  This is how the VLRs have been trained to react to such dire circumstances.  It is necessary to follow the story until the story is no longer broadcast.  By knowing everything about the tragedy, the VLRs have done their part in aiding the people of the tragedy.  Certainly they didn’t really do anything, like actually showing up and putting all of their skill and effort into the aid of others in need.  But media, the institutionalized system, and society have made it the necessary norm to follow tragic events, learn everything one can about the event (that the media provides, but no more), and ingrain it as an essential part of one’s mentality.  It is the ultimate lazy man’s disconnect method of doing all they can for the victims.

Yet the true intent behind it all isn’t just keeping the VLRs attention, it is opening the doors of fear, and creating a type of short circuit in the mind, one that is open to all kinds of influence and programming, and then using that situation to sell any number of things.  Media plain and simple loves the multiple death scenarios of tragedy.  And right behind them - lock, stock and barrel - are the corporations that buy advertising from the media.  These corporations are well aware that any high mortality event is a mother lode of advertising and consequent sales.  When the mind is fear enabled, opened and then captivated, advertising is a valuable method of programming, greater than a simple message to convince one to buy a product or service.  The advertising becomes as necessary a purchase as does “solving the crime” via the news stories sought after by the VLRs.  It is the highlight, and mostly undisclosed version of subliminal messaging.

In relation to Pavlov, it goes like this.  The bell is rung via a high profile, deadly and catastrophic event, usually within national borders, but sometimes abroad depending on the scope and nation.  The animal, always awaiting a new set of meal tickets they can bite into, chew on, and ultimately devour, begins salivating via the ego fear-driven portion of the brain.  From there, the animal goes into an uncontrollable mode of continual looping, a quest for further knowledge of the event, as the bell keeps ringing via all kinds of media devices and word of mouth advertising of the event.  As the animal reacts and continues to put forth all of its senses toward disclosure of every minutiae of the event, it fulfills a second purpose, which is an opening of the psyche to methods of suggestion, wherein advertisers place well-timed and carefully crafted messages in between segments of data the animal is seeking to nourish its craving mind.  The animal will continue to respond to the bell as long as new versions, spins, and small adjustments to the data are served.  Once the story has been played out, and the bell no longer has the desired effect, the bell ringers will scrap that story in search of a new one. 

After too long a disastrous story dry-spell, events that media can use to get a new bell ringing, it can be presumed that the master corporation will create a new event to satisfy the needs of the media apparatus and its advertising child corporations.

The bell is rung in small tones and monumental bangs all the time.  The populace at large responds to both, hoping their salivation and feeding will last, and takes in as much useless junk as they can be fed.  Every time, the ongoing satisfaction for the VLRs is that they “did everything they could”.  How else could they hope and pray so vigorously for strangers if they didn’t know all of the suffering personally (virtually)?

All of this is only step one in the sales process.  The real kicker comes in when grifting politicians appear on the set and the scene to let the populace know that no expense will be spared to bring down the perpetrators, and make sure this type of thing never happens again.  Of course, using history as a guide, government has never been able to prevent any crime, or even reduce crime, but instead serves a single purpose of fleecing public monies and then spending them on worthless programs, lining the pockets of already billionaires.  But still, we should keep an open Pavlov mind here, and trust them this time with all of our labor value, because monsters are about, and only the divine saviors in suits can spend enough of our money to keep them at bay.  Then be prepared to decide between your mortgage payment, grocery bill, or paying off the gun-toting taxman.

All of this happens because of one thing.  People believe in it.  Despite their better nature, as most people would call the media in any of its guises corrupt if the question were put to them, still trust those media outlets without question the second a group of strangers are harmed and murdered.  If Hollywood type explosions and semi-automatic rifles are involved, then it’s time to tune in because those strangers are going to need us to pay attention in full.

Outside of an electronics-ending event, a distinct possibility by the way, there’s only one person that each of us can help to break out of this cycle: ourselves.  The method is to turn away.  Don’t read further into it; don’t seek out the details, the answers or even the headlines.  Don’t engage in conversation about it.  None of that is going to do a damned thing for your benefit, the victim’s benefit, or anyone else but the profiteers.  It is all a complete waste of time and mental energy.  It is all an engagement with a capitalistic beast that wants nothing more than everything you’ve got, and will go to no end to get it.  Each of us is a thing to be manipulated into acting in the manner deemed by filthy rich masters. 

That is, until we are not.  An alcoholic cannot possibly overcome addiction while having a martini.  The media-aholic is no different.  Turn away, every time, and become your own master.  If any of us can truly aid another in need, then go do it.  Reading about it and watching it and listening to it isn’t helping anyone but the profiteers of pain and fear.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

You are Allah

Based on the writings of the Koran.  A beautiful book.  I have done nothing more than modification, and in they eyes of many that is heresy and blasphemy.  Understand that the I Am is Allah (God), though not represented as such in the original interpretation/interpolation - Read before you judge, please...


I Am is not within You; nor are You in I Am. I Am does not exclude You, nor are You excluded from I Am. When You are addressed as You, do not think that You exist, with an essence and qualities and attributes; for You never existed, nor do exist, nor ever will exist. You have not entered into I Am, nor I Am into You. Without being, Your essence is with I Am and in Me.  Without having any identity, You are I Am and I Am You. If You know Your-Self as nothing, then You truly know Your I Am, otherwise, You truly know I Am not.

You cannot know Your Self by making Your Self nothing.  Many a wise man claims that in order to know One's Self, One must denude One’s Self of the signs of One's existence, efface One's identity, finally rid One’s Self of One's Self. This is a mistake.  How could a thing that does not exist try to get rid of its existence?

 If You think that to know Allah depends on You ridding I Am of Your Self, then You are guilty of attributing partners to Your Self, the only unforgivable sin; because You are claiming that there is another existence besides Your Self, the all-existent; that there is a You and the I Am.

 You presume others to be other than Allah. There is nothing other than I Am, but You do not know this. While You are looking at Allah You do not recognize Your Self. When the secret opens to You, You will know that You are none other than Allah. Then You will also know that You are the One whom was wished, and that You are forever and will not disappear with time, for there is no passing of time. Your attributes are Your own.  Without doubt, Your appearance is the appearance of Allah.

 Therefore, do not think anymore that You need to become nothing; that You need to annihilate Your Self in Allah. If You thought so, then You would be a veil of Allah, while a veil over Allah is other than Allah. How could You be a veil that hides Allah?  What hides I Am is I Am being One alone.

The condition for Self-knowledge is to know that if You had a being of Your own, independent of other being, then You would neither have need to annihilate Yourself in Allah nor to know Yourself. You would have been, as Yourself, a God, self-existent; while it is Allah Most High that is free from the existence of any other God but Allah.

 And when You come to know Yourself, You will be sure that You neither exist, nor do not exist, whether now, or before, or in the future. This is the meaning of "la ilaha il all-ah", There is no God but Allah, there is no being but I Am, nor any other except I Am, and I Am is the only One.

Know that this existence is neither You, nor other than You.  You do not exist; yet You are also not a nonexistence. Your existence is not someone else; nor does Your nonexistence make You someone else. Without being and without not-being, Your existence and Your nonexistence is Allah's being.  Your existence and Your nonexistence is Allah's being.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blame the Children

I've removed this article because the original reporting on the cases concerning the school children, the situation involved and the suspensions was incorrectly reported.  The original reports were misleading and false.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Surprise, You're a Communist!

The delusion of the American populace, and in fact the worldwide populace, is at an all time high.  I say worldwide because people are still clamoring to immigrate here and live the “American Dream”.   Here’s a newsflash to all you national and international fans of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.  It ain’t anything even close to resembling that.

On the surface, America looks and acts like a constitutional republic.  Its media boasts of a Bill of Rights, a rule of law, and democracy.  Elections are held and the citizens are free to choose political leadership that will represent them in a manner that benefits the people.  There are checks and balances set in place to keep the political machine balanced and fair.  The military is operating only under the constitutional mandates of the political officers.  A protection of due process is in place to keep the people from an overzealous judicial system.  The people are free to pursue their happiness with relatively little impedance from the government or its agencies. 

For the most part, at least according to what the media tells us, the above scenarios are working as advertised.  The backing for it all, the constitution, is firmly planted and in place to ensure that government doesn’t morph into what all other governments in all history have: a dictatorial system of absolute control.

Underneath the surface, a Federal government, backed by alien banks and bank officers, is slowly and effectively eating the heart and substance out of the constitutional framework.  It is doing this in several ways.  The most notable is the constant bombardment of Federal legislation, all of which are in some form or another in violation of the constitution.  All are in violation because they are written in legalese, a language of BAR lawyers that resembles the common English tongue, but actually has its own dictionary and the meanings of nearly every word is different than presented.  The people are not able to read or comprehend the legal statutes that bind them.  Another reason Federal law is in violation of the constitution is that the laws are written to directly counter the constitution in some form or another.  Sometimes it’s the Bill of rights, sometimes it’s the procedural prescriptions of the document, and most every time its in the binding and elimination of State’s rights.  No matter the means, even one Federal law allowed to violate contract means that either Federal is operating above and outside constitutional authority, the constitution has been voided, or both.

None of this would be possible without the collaboration of the three branches of government.  The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches are all under watch and orders of alien bankers.  They are all made up of anti-constitutional, self-serving loyalists to money, or mammon.  They are all devotees to one of two political parties that run this nation and direct the rule of banker law to every level of American society.  Many, particularly at the top levels of Federal government, are of dual citizenship, and the American half of that equation is a distant second when it comes to the decisions that are made.  Some are not even American citizens, but foreign nationals that have (with the aid of the banking elite) doctored their citizenship up with false documents and lies.  Whatever the case, all of the political leaders, judicial leaders and much of the bureaucracy of the Federal government are banker loyalists and are bought and owned.

It is hardly different in the State governments.  If it were the states long ago would have all collaboratively seceded from Federal control.  Instead, using the powerful control lines of the two party election systems, State governments are under the same control as the Federal government is, as are the county and municipal governments.  All orders and directives flow from a single source down two pipelines of dictatorship that are the Federal political parties.  This brilliant setup has ensured that the alien bankers are in absolute control over every part of government at all levels of American society.

What keeps the surface relatively shiny while the interior is rotted and consumed is the Federal media apparatus.  The illusion of a “free press” is one that has been carried on for a long, long time.  If the press were truly free there would be a great deal more authentic investigative reporting, a wider diversity of reporting, and a constant mining of information and intent of governmental working and workers.  The reality of it is that just like the two-party political system, media carries a two-party information system, known as Reuters and the Associated Press.  Both of these outlets of information are under direct control and ownership of banker loyalists disguised as free thinking corporate officers.  So are the news agencies that broadcast the stories Americans are told via print, video and radio.  The control of what is told to the absorbing American populace is absolute.  Essentially, the government, a part of an international conglomeration of banker owned corporations develops an image that it wants the populace worldwide to believe, then acts in any manner it deems profitable behind those images.

The culmination of decades of the abuse of the trust of the people is that the government that advertises itself as democratic, a republic, constitutional, fair and balanced and of the people, by the people and for the people, is in fact commi-fascist.  Enough legislation has already been written, and more legislation is and will be produced, to negate every word of the constitution.  There already are acts that state quite clearly that any citizen can be secretly arrested and incarcerated in a secret location without trial.  There are acts that allow many Federal officers to commit any number or types of murder without restriction or oversight.  There are Executive orders that create law out of thin air without any other agency of government questioning it in the least.  There are statutes written long ago that declare the American people the enemy of the American government.

So if all of this is as I described, why are the people still allowed to choose their jobs, education, relationships, and move about freely?  It is because although the laws are in place to turn all of America, and possibly most of the world into a commi-fascist state of dictatorial control, those laws have not been enacted universally.  But all of this build-up and hard work to destroy the constitution will not go without implementation.  There is a patient wait for an event of such magnitude that the past American system cannot possibly be allowed to continue, as to do so would cost the American people their lives in a fire of pain and suffering.  Following that event, the people will suck up the bombardment of news broadcasts and readily trade away their "misguided belief" in a constitutional republic for the new hope of communist dictatorship.  We will be convinced, with the backing of force, that only by sacrificing our remaining freedom can we be allowed as a species and a nation to continue.  We will be sold the idea that it is all our fault for not working harder, and not paying more money, and not having been loyal enough to the constitutional system that cost us all so dearly.  Food will become expensive and scarce, energy will be withheld, and the basic necessities of life will be taken away.  The only way we can return to prosperity, the people will be told, is to accept the new system of total control.  A starving, cold and miserable populace will take the bait and sell what remains of their souls to the satanic government that arises from the ashes of the dream that was America.

Those that resist, and the numbers will be fewer than one may think, will be rounded up and transported to concentration camps, to be worked to death or just killed outright, depending on their level of resistance.  Many men in today’s America boast of defending themselves, their families and their property using force of arms they have collected.  But when armored troop transports pull up to the driveway, and armored soldiers file out with guns that can shoot through your entire house, not to mention you, most will surrender to the will of the dictator.  Those that do not will hardly get a shot off before they are cut down in a hail of bullets, along with their family and probably some of their neighbors too.  After surrender, most will be considered seditious and hauled away to whatever hell the communist dictators have prepared for them.

Playing the waiting game, all the while believing that a constitutional government is going to turn itself around and begin to act honorably is complete folly.  If the American people cannot act, and pull the first move to hamstring the banker directives, then the American people are in for a big wakeup call.  That call will be heralded on a universal broadcast to every channel a man can receive.  The American people will awaken to the following message: “Surprise, you are a communist now!”  It probably won’t be called communism, it will likely be called new freedom or some other label the populace will buy into.  But it will act just like communism nonetheless.  All possessions and property will be of the state, including people.  And the Federal legislation that has been so carefully crafted and planted will in one fell swoop be the force of rule.  At that point, there will be no turning back.