The Dawning
An Essay of Change
The most important part of the essay to follow, and a point that could be made at the conclusion just as easily as the introduction, is that without a crucial shift of undetermined frequency in the meta-consciousness of mankind, none of what is to follow can effectively integrate itself into the societies of men. How that consciousness shift is to occur is a mystery, but seeing as how limited the knowing of the history of mankind and the planet is, and how limited is the comprehension of the higher consciousness tools we are all gifted unawares, it is all too possible to envision it happening. Without a doubt, man created male and female will have to gain an extra dimension of knowing one another, and thereby a collective gain of knowing one’s self as all selves. The current assembly line of avatar copies disguised as individuals must disappear in favor of a collective of living beings functioning in harmony with all. It will take a conception of, and integration into, infinity and the oneness that powers it.
The purpose of this essay it to reveal and discuss the aspects of the illusionary world man has constructed and attempt to point out how each of them are a pathway to self-destruction and societal destruction, and how communal enlightenment can and must replace them.
Perhaps the most commonly abused element of mankind’s existence is the bastardization and multi-faceted perversion of language for the private gain of a few.
In every language on earth there are general or common dictionary and grammatical meanings of the elements of language, which the average person uses for daily communications. Ours is a vast and varied language that borrows and ties into other languages. It is dynamic and alive and can be manipulated in a vast array of meanings and messages to convey all kinds of communications. It is unlocked and free to anyone wishing to use it. It is under the control of the sender only on a moment-to-moment basis, to then be under the control of the receiver and interpreted with discretion. This is language in its proper form, and though it is limited in its functionality as a conveyor of truth and intent, when used and accepted with freewill it is a beneficial tool.
Then there is another binding language with meanings that are alien to most, called legalese, which mimics the common tongue but carries entirely different meaning to key words of import. Legalese can be read and assumed to be comprehended by anyone, as it resembles the common tongue to the extent that the differences are indiscernible to the layman, but only a lawyer or attorney that has sworn allegiance to the BAR organizations of the world have the right to argue with it in the BAR courts of law. Any commoner (not a sworn servant of the BAR) that attempts to claim standing by using the private language of the BAR will find themselves in unholy contempt of the temple courts and in shackles. Even the lawyers and de facto attorneys a man could hire out to aid them in their quest to escape the trappings of the legal system are there to help the court create a façade of fairness over the insidious wealth and energy draining scheme that it truly is. This legalese language is used to trick the common man and trap him with a web of hidden meanings and poisonous intent. It has been constructed with the intent to control the unaware and uninitiated.
A third form of the language, and the most dangerous and harmful to all of mankind is when the building blocks of language are used as ancient symbols and forms of spells to curse. Although the word curse is generally referenced as a naughty word, if we take it to it’s true and ancient meaning, to curse is to cast a spell of deceit and ill will towards another. It is why we are taught to ‘spell’ words in the first place. We use symbols that carry hidden meanings in their appearance and sound, called letters, and then arrange them in certain orders to form words. That is the beginning of spell-ing. The words are then placed in certain orders to form curses. Whether aware of it or not, we read and write and hear and speak curses for and against mankind on a regular basis. This very essay you are reading could be considered a curse, except that the writer is producing it Love and Light, and hopes you are receiving it in Light and Love. This deception and cursing are intended consequences of the dark few that wish to imprison the minds of all mankind for their personal gain. Even so, a man living with the greatest intentions of Love and Light and Truth cannot be cursed by the spells of simpleton magick. To receive these curses, one would have to be a consenting participant in them.
One of the worst abuses of spells and curses occurs in the churches of the Roman cult and the subsidiaries of them. By arranging words in certain orders, decreeing the assumed power of God the Creator, and chanting creeds and prayers for and against other men without any semblance of authority, there is a high probability that the entire service is a curse against God and his Creation from start to finish.
Any form of language that conveys secret and deceptive meanings is only there to allow a few to encapsulate and control a mass of men. It is there only to create a fictional barrier between men and their freedom endowed by the Creator. It is there to place men at odds with one another, under confusing and un-remedied circumstances. It is there to perpetuate harm and fear for the profit of a few.
Ultimately what must happen are all uses of language outside of the free and dynamic common tongue must be eliminated as blasphemy and heresy against all as one with creation. From there a gradual decline in the complexity of language will ensue, and men will once again rely on their spiritual and intellectual faculties to convey messages as much as voice and print. The harms that language can cause will over time be rendered impotent, and language will once again be a tool to aid men rather than a sinister instrument of destruction.
Profit is essentially taking in more wealth than required for a life of happiness and fulfillment. For most of us, it is the chance to save a little for a rainy day, or to buy that toy that fulfills our immediate gratifications. Though problematic, it’s not this small-scale profit that is so dangerous and evil. It is the drive to hoard profits, continually pushing for more profits, and the accumulation of wealth beyond any sensible means by a very few that is the height of evil and darkness.
All money units of exchange, or capital, are man’s physical and/or intellectual energy converted into a form that can be traded and unfortunately manipulated. When one man hoards that capital, and manipulates it so as to devalue other men’s energies, he is deliberately causing harm to others in favor of his own profit. This is an entirely ego driven behavior, and one that is immersed in evil. Every time one man or a group of men use manipulation to increase their profit, a great many more men are closer to hunger and homelessness. Men drive profit because they have given more credence to fictional things than to God’s Creation. It doesn’t matter how they present themselves to society, as executive, Pope or King, they are purposely harming many, many people.
When men in control of the money, representative of capital, print that money out of thin air without tangible backing, they are ultimately destroying the value of a man’s labor for their own profit. By continually devaluing a man’s energy, whether through hoarding or through manipulation of the capital money supply, the profiteer will always reach an endgame of slave master, as all labor will have zero money value to the laborer, and complete money value to the profiteer.
Profit and hoarding of wealth and resources by individuals or private organizations can no longer be tolerated. The very idea of it must be eliminated. Those engaging in it must be quarantined from society until they can reform. The drive for all mankind must switch from that of vanity and pride in things and false stature, of individualism, to one of dedication to a common good and prosperity, wherein each of us will be driven to work to increase the living standards for all equally. Under this model, the technological advances we have seen in the past two centuries will be surpassed and greatly enhanced, and will be symbiotic with God’s Creation instead of destructive towards it.
When stripped down to the basics, organizations are giant schools of ego. Unlike a school of fish, which gather together for efficiency and survival of the individual, the school and the species, the ego-controlled organization is a school of feeder fish controlled by sharks.
All organizations are insidious and exist as a means for a few super-egos to control many sub-egos. The super-ego will divide, classify and indenture the majority of the organization to suit the machinations of a few. The many are willing victims of control and consumption, driven by fear and sold on the advertisement that they could not and should not try to exist outside of the organization. What is sold to the sub-ego as benefit may be just that when viewed from the bottom of the organization, but the super-egos in control have very little if any capability to provide the benefits the majority feels they are receiving. Using the fear inherent in the minds of the majority, they easily tell the mass that they can provide it, using the mass as the tools for its provision, and thereby removing any responsibility they had for any of it in the first place.
The true nature of the controlling super-egos of any organization is to profit. The sales pitch of necessity captures and holds the minds of the sub-egos within prisons of fear, their energy and work turned into some form of capital to be collected and hoarded by the super-egos. There is constant re-affirmation that the organization is essential to survival, and that the laws and rules that permeate it are above question and are of absolute authority. Over time the organization becomes an accepted fact of life on the same level as air, water and food. The organization will even take ownership of those things if given the opportunity, and the sub-egos will hand them over gift-wrapped rather than face and overcome the fear they live by.
Organizations will form this same pattern of hierarchy with other organizations. Just as the individual members of an organization are divided and conquered, so too will groups of organizations form hierarchies. The difference at this level is the super-egos of the individual organizations are championed as long as they follow the directions of their master organizations. Throughout all the organizations the sub-egos are still perpetrated against and used for the work output to the benefit of the few.
The stated rules, laws and codes that the organization develops exist only to control the sub-egos of the organization. They do not apply to the controlling super-egos other than in public interaction with the mass. This is why the controlling members of all organizations and conglomerates of organizations are so secretive. To do otherwise would mean the controllers would have to follow the same rules, which would put them on an even playing field with all. To do so would mean the controllers would also have to put forth work and effort to aid in the sustainability of the organization, which is the antithesis to their control of the organization to begin with. To do so would mean exposure to the inhumane nature of the organization controllers, and show them to be incapable of manifesting the higher emotions necessary for the peaceful existence of man and creation.
Moving forward it will be necessary to dissolve all organizations as they function and operate today. It means that all work and effort goes to all members of mankind. It also means that all members of mankind are willing to put forth the effort necessary to our survival as a species, according to their full capabilities. Members of society that expect to be treated as special, dominant, and act with impunity absent of empathy will be on their own for all means of life. No benefit can any longer be given to deceivers with the agendas of self-enrichment and hoarding. No longer can people hand over their effort and work to those that are incapable of creating or manifesting the higher emotions of Love and Light. The organizations of division and enslavement will be dissolved as the fictional enemies of man each currently functions as.
Money (Units of Exchange)
All units of exchange, until each becomes unnecessary, should be directly tied to and immediately redeemable for creations that hold value. A man’s labor and effort should be represented in his freewill, survival and necessities for a life of fulfillment in Light and Love. Ultimately, all money should become unnecessary and be considered harmful to mankind. This is because money in any form can be manipulated, counterfeited, devalued and hoarded. In a society of balance there will be no need for money, as there will be no need for the greed and deception that always accompanies it.
A man’s labor and effort, whether of a physical or an intellectual purpose, is guarantee of provision for all that a man needs to survive and thrive. All labor and effort will be to enrich all, so as each man contributes so all men will be enriched. This means an end to one-upmanship, vanity and materialism. Men will not measure one another by the things they possess, and in fact the contributing members of mankind will not measure each other at all. If there are no measurements, then there are no longer any need for units of exchange to measure the value of a man’s labor to begin with.
All manner of interaction within a society must become the teach / learn cycle. This means that all of the members of mankind must teach all they know to everyone, and learn all they can from every source they can find. This includes not just the binding attributes of today’s educational systems, but all factions of life inclusive. This will be the fuel of creativity and thereby further creation.
There can never again be a secretive hoarding of information so that a few can profit using limited design that they can patent and monopolize on. There can be no patents, no copyrights, no trademarks and no ownership of any information, design or creation. This includes especially the arts and entertainment industries of today. If it is truly beneficial to mankind in song, video, writing or art form then it cannot be hoarded as a means of profit for a few. No thing can be restricted from the access of all.
The hiding of precious knowledge is greatly evident in the systems of education worldwide. We must abandon the educational organizations and systems that pander to the lowest common denominator while forcing every student down the same path of limited and enslaving information. The effort and goal of these systems is to create corporate minds that have limited functionality outside of generating profit for the super-egos of the corporate organizations they are slaves to. The only creations of these corporations are to generate ever-greater slick advertisements and worthless products to further drain the work and effort capital of the masses. It has become an all-out race to design the most worthless addictive toy, or massively destructive weapon, or snake oil potion/poison to further the domination of the corporate super-ego masters, and the masses are both the creators of worthlessness and the consumers of it. The current systems of education are geared for that exact outcome. We are taught to function as slaves and not question it.
This is why the first step to creating an educational system that benefits society rather than a dead corporate organization is to take all education out of the hands of any organization. ’Schools’ are an indoctrination center for the organizations of corporation to create masses that hand over their work and effort to the organization masters without question. These are developed brainwashing systems that force-feed only those lessons that will enrich the corporations in the future. Students are expected to accept and memorize the lessons and then regurgitate those same lessons when called upon. There is no benefit to the students, and there are very few options for those that are not a fit for that construct. We hear constantly about the importance of diversity, yet the schools churn out the same model of automaton over and over again.
All other lessons necessary to a life of Love and Light are treated as unnecessary, or something that a pupil could just learn on their own. There are very little if any expectations of parents or family members to participate in any part of the teach / learn cycle. Community involvement in raising a young person to a fulfilling adulthood is frowned upon and discouraged by 24 / 7 scare-ware news stories. Neighborhoods are shuttered, and schools are local day care and brainwashing centers for overworked parents and lazy-minded communities.
Learning and knowledge can no longer be based on the latest trend of repeating profit schemes for bankers and lawyers. It must be based on teaching and learning in a cycle that enriches the entire mass of mankind. We must progress to a society of contributors, all of whom can claim the greatest intelligence and knowledge, and perform in the teach / learn cyclical manner all the time. Communities must impassion centers of learning where all mankind can attend and participate and give and receive those gifts of knowledge available to all. Included in the teach / learn must be all aspects of life on the planet, with the goal of symbiosis with all life, all mankind and the universe. Each man must find and follow a unique path for their consciousness, and through that give back the greatest amount they can to mankind, Love and Light inclusive. Everyone must involve their self in the education of everyone, and each of us individually must strive to reach the greatest heights of knowledge and knowing, always using Light and Love as the cornerstone of our existence. We must again become the creators and caretakers of all that the Creator has bestowed to us.
We must also learn and teach the arts of healing. The societies of today have abandoned God’s creation in nature as the master healer, and have abandoned man’s innate ability to heal spiritually. We have replaced that with artificial chemicals and therapies that do more damage than good in both the short and long term of the body’s life cycle. It also goes beyond just physical healing. The mental damage we do to one another and ourselves through our acceptance and exposure to nearly every part of the present societal systems is abhorrent. Through an open and freewill educational establishment of teach / learn, healing and knowing can be enhanced and triumphed.
Churches (a word representing all religious institutions, not just Christianity) cannot exist anymore. Spiritual teaching, learning and comprehension can and must become integrated as methods of the common teach / learn education. Churches are another form of the organization structure already spoken of. Churches divide and classify the members, always holding over them the yoke of sin based on rules and laws developed by the very super-egos that run the church, all backed by nothing but hearsay. These super-egos use churches as a means of control and the hoarding of wealth. Churches are profit driven organizations disguised as non-profit. If a church were non-profit there would be no need to pass a plate. There would also be no need for the master organization called Vatican (among many, many others) to have all of its monumental wealth and holdings. There would be no need to have members immersed in the lower vibrating emotions of guilt, fear and anger. If church were non-profit there would be no need for the nation organization’s flag beside the altar of God.
Each man is a church unto himself. Each man does not require membership or payment to commune or connect with or receive the blessings of God. Each man is the image of God and no man can claim a special favor of God no matter by how many methods a man claims that favor. Wearing robes and vestments, receiving ordainment, or having a calling is not a qualification of special privilege of God. Using these excuses, and claiming the right to perform Godly acts such as forgiveness and blessing is more sinful and blasphemous than anything other lump of purported sins combined. Gatherings of men tuned into a spiritual vibration will be absent of classifications and separations, and not led by fictional authorities with the intent of control and profit.
Ancient or current texts cannot be given automatic and unquestioned credence as the word or will of God. This does not mean that the writings of men should be considered to be wrong, or absent of value. Until truth can be known by all in all its simplicity, all writings should be considered and the truth gleaned from them in a constant effort to reach the truth. No writings or beliefs or idols (material things) can be given authority over any living man.
Balance and harmony in all areas of life will be achieved. It will be necessary to tear down all constructs of the imbalanced systems, stripping away false authorities and powers, eliminating the need for one man to have stature over another. All men being equal in mind, body and spirit is the only means of balance. If only one man claims authority over another using deception and false position there is an imbalance, and all mankind should seek to calm the water and allow the ripples to disappear.
The imbalance we see now in the organizations and pyramids of false authority are, taking from the example above, like the ocean in the midst of a perfect storm. It is the ocean’s tumult that drives the storm as much as the storm drives the waves. The energy patterns that keep the storm and the water at such a level of violence and chaos must be diverted and re-channeled into the stability of the liquid mass giving energy to all, rather than the instability feeding the energy of the storm. It is high time for the storm to dissipate and end.
Each man is a God unto himself and no man can claim god-like authority over any other. Those that engage in this behavior must be quarantined just as a society would quarantine any other lethal virus. Everything a man engages in should have a purpose that serves all men. Everything a man consumes should be only to the needs of that man and never to the detriment of mankind or nature. Man must hold the creation of earth as dearly as he holds his own life. He must view all things throughout the universe in Light and Love and no longer hold material value over any part of the universe. He must become the healer of all the harm that has been done.
The life of today’s man is filled with innumerable distractions from truth and reality, and from Love and Light. There is 24 / 7 full volume blasting of noise for the senses, each combining with the other to distract the mind, body and spirit of a man from the purpose of truth. It is an all out advertising blitzkrieg to trap and keep the attention of conscious children of God focused on anything but God. Sex, drugs and rock and roll have become the substance of the mind, body and spirit. It is all a set of distractions, immersed in fear, that massage the conquering ego and keep its host imprisoned.
Any object that influences any of the senses of man must be measured against the truth of Light and Love. This means that anything that enters the eyes and ears must be absent of destructive and lower vibration emotions and influence. Anything that enters the mouth must be pure of nature and not processed chemicals that disrupt the higher vibrations of a man. Anything touched by man should be held with the greatest and highest intentions of care and creation. We must stop being distracted by that which distorts and disassembles our image of God, and once again become the perfect image of God, individually and collectively.
The state of law will radically change. Today’s law is so complex and monumental in its scope that no one can possibly know it, nor should they want to. It is so distorted and biased against the common man that everything has become against the law. As mentioned previously, the languages of law are mocking deceptions of the common tongue, and these legalese languages have the evil intent of imprisoning people through the false authority of others.
What started many millennia ago with the 10 commandments and hundreds of other laws given forth by the prophet the Bible calls Moses, has morphed into an ever-increasing system of control and enslavement, by the few, for the few. These few are unwilling or incapable of manifesting the higher emotions of Love and Light. They use the only tools they have at their disposal: darkness, control and evil intent. Their power comes from the construction of fear in a mass of people, which they feed off of and amplify with ever increasing threats to life, using the law they disguise as security for the masses. All of this is a sham. All law is de facto authority and a deception of control.
There is only need for one law, called the Law of One. It is the most ancient of laws, and is really not a law at all, but a requirement of balance within a society. It states simply, Love your neighbor as you Love yourself.
The Prophet of the New Covenant of the Bible expanded on this to aid in the balance between self and all. He stated that the greatest commandment is to Love God with all your heart, mind and soul. Since we are the image of God, we can interpret this as Love our self with all our heart, mind and soul. From there the Prophet directs us to Love our neighbors as we would Love our self. On this, he taught us, all the laws of the prophets hang, and so all the laws of all mankind are fractionalizations against these supreme laws and therefore unnecessary.
Laws today are collections of negative “thou shalt not” restrictions on the freewill of man. The Law of One, in balance with the instructions of the prophet, are in harmony with freewill, Love and Light. The nature of law must change from complexity and deceptions to simplicity and truth. The roles of mankind must be governed by each man individually and with collective equality. The Law of One is the only way to accomplish this.
Population and Impact
It will not be necessary to implement population controls or restrictions to protect from overpopulation. The first reason for this is that mankind has shown that in periods of peace, absent of the fears of war and harm, population levels remain relatively static. In those times of war or other strife that terrorizes the people, populations explode. The ego, when activated by its fueling force of fear, kicks the baby making machines into overdrive. This is a natural, instinctual animalistic reaction to the threat of ancestral line or species extinction. By flooding the current population with a greater amount of offspring, the chances of survival of the gene pool increases dramatically.
The second reason lies within the Law of One. By eliminating the fear inherent in social systems driven by organizations governed by complexity of language and law, we remove the need to procreate to survive. By living in Love and Light, we harmonize with creation as a whole, and know our existence is on an equal plane with the universe. It is therefore impossible to bring forth new life that is in any manner taxing of creation, or to our fellow man.
The impact of mankind on the planet and creation will have to be zero. This doesn’t mean that man cannot build and consume and travel, but all of these activities must occur in tandem with nature, not against it, over it, or in spite of it. We must consider and treat all of creation as our neighbor, not just other men.
The conclusion of this essay requires the beginning of a new age for mankind. A change must happen in some form or another that alters mankind’s relationship to their selves, each other, and all of the creations of the universe. If it doesn’t, the life-sustaining mother of all life as we know it will surely die. We are in the final throes of critical damage and harm to the only planet we have to survive on. The trends of damage and disaster are evident. We are now to the point of killing large bodies of water and estuaries because of foolish profiteering factories and the byproducts of their useless productions. We are in a period of manufacturing poisonous, wasteful things for the profit of a few. We are completely at the mercy of junk science that is bought and paid for by profit driven corporations. Our weapons of war are weapons of massive destruction against all of creation. We are consumers that refuse to complete the cycle by providing. We harm and neglect to heal.
The vibrational capacity of mankind is at an extremely low state, and out of sync with the rest of creation. There are hopeful signs as a few have broken out of the mental and ego driven prisons of fear that have been manufactured and perpetuated by psychopathic monsters. As more become aware again, and commune with the earth instead of abusing it, perhaps a tipping point will come about. Regardless, there has to be a catalyst or series of catalysts to get that ball rolling a great deal faster than it is.
The time is now for the change, and for the entry into a new age of Love, Light and the Law of One.
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