I have a blanket belief that all organizations are
of controlling intent. Most do not start this way, but like a
school of fish, the most important swim in the middle while the mass
swims about to feed the sharks. All organizations morph into a feeder
system that pyramids from top to bottom.
Religion and government
are of the same purpose. Each parades actors on a theater stage,
preaching the means to salvation while the plate is passed. Que the
hymns of salvation to get the parishioners misty eyed, and wave the flag
or the crossed sticks. Each offers the absolution from sin, while
providing the very means for sin to proliferate (their definitions, not
mine) so there is always something and someone to punish.
Each is
quick to identify the worshiper as fallen, incapable of resurrection,
and thus tied into the organization for as long as breath is drawn.
religious do not act as their savior has lived. The patriotic do not
act as the founders dared. Instead, each denies that liability, in
favor of passing liability on to strangers in exchange for false promise
and imagined security.
Religion and government are hand in hand
in this deception. Religion is the property of the state. The state is
the property of religion. The controlling members of each are the same
group of brigands, with the ultimate goal of taking all of a man’s
labor value, for his whole life, and leaving his existence with nothing
of value to show for his life.
I have always been amazed at the
executive flag, and the state flag, on either side of the altar. What
purpose would the flags of government have in the supposedly holy stage
of religion? The answer is that religions are corporations, instituted
and contracted through the tax free status they are afforded by the
I am also amazed at the use of bible and prayer in
government proceedings. Why would government, which proclaims its
fictional self as separate from church, use the church’s greatest tools
as the foundation of its inclinations?
The separation of “church”
and “state” is an impossibility, since church and state are the same
theatrical creature. Some are catching on, and many more will, that
this is the beast we are warned against. The beast of prophecy is that
which is entirely fictional passing its imaginary existence off as the
No man on earth has any right to claim ownership over
another. Yet through these fictional and imaginary constructs of a
collective consciousness both religion and government claim this
precisely. Government owns a man’s body, and therefore his soul, and
religion owns a man’s soul, and therefore his body. Each is unrelenting
in identifying that the power held within it is divine, even if that is
not explicitly claimed, or claimed directly. Yet the men that dress up
in robes, and run the stage, the set, the script and the play are well
aware of a purpose. That purpose is stealing labor value for their own
profit. They are pirates on the land.
This happens because the
majority are ignorant of any of it. The majority place their faith in
belief systems that have been ingrained into their psyche from birth.
To abandon these belief systems and claim liability for self is scarier
than the latest media production of the boogieman.
Which leads to
what perpetuates the belief systems that uphold the deception and fraud.
It is media. The majority stare at the advertisements that claim the
corporate systems, in all guises, are real and necessary. Even the
church is a media apparatus, sustaining its own necessity via the
blasphemous interpretations of its own gospel. The masses cannot see
that the very systems they worship are stealing the life and soul out
from underneath them.
The only proof I need is that a man can be a
millionaire, or a billionaire (or trillionaire, but they hide in the
far off shadows). How irresponsible to the planet and mankind at large
that a single man can collect a million dollars in labor value, not to
mention a billion. While a large amount of “money” or mammon has been
printed out of thin air, the backing for all of that is the physical and
intellectual labor value of men. The labor value of men is the only
thing that ever had value in the “world”, or will in the world to come.
the idiots crash their own system, hoping for a reset, remember that
the only value of men is earth and our labor value. At that point, we
must all create with our labor a world that doesn’t include the hoarding
pirates intent on destroying all creation.
Revolution is folly. It is a cycle back in to the same situation with the same consequences and failure.
Revelation is divine. It is a break from cycle and a knowing of the harm and fraud against us.
Every man, with the exception of few, knows that we are citizens of the state. That title makes us fictional constructs of the state. Therefore we are property of the state. That which is created by one entity becomes the property of the creator. As long as living men believe that they are the property of the state, all living men under conscious and consensual agreement are property of the state.
An example I give is property taxes. If you for one second believe that you own your property, then stop paying your property taxes. What do you think will happen next? I will clue you in...
The sheriff of the county will show up on your doorstep, with a "writ" and a "warrant", and threaten you with confiscation of your purported property. At that point if you resist, said sheriff will arrest you and jail you until the court sees fit to convict you of failure to honor their demands. At the same time all of your "property" will be confiscated until you agree to pay, with your labor value, the exact amount of their debt notes that they require, plus income of course because you did not comply in the first place. They have this power because living men have conjoined with the fictional construct known as "we the people", and therefore have further conjoined with the fictional construct known as "government".
Government exists because people believe in it. It is a god system. government never has to produce itself, and exists in any place it deems because living men believe it has the power to do so. Think about this for a moment...can you, a living and actual real thing be in two places (or more) at one time? Government can. It can be in D.C. and your backyard and anywhere else because government persons said so. Can anything real be in two places at once? Can even the chair you are sitting on be in D.C. and your space, at this point in time? A sane man would say no.
Government is eerily similar to the god man we are also supposed to believe in.
Government and its religions, or corporate organizations, are all imaginary constructs of a collective consciousness. Each and many more have been implanted into our minds as a means of control. Men follow these imaginations as a belief system, a system of looking to a higher power to save our collective asses from our own folly. Yet these constructs are not doing what we believe each should be. Instead each are dedicated to taking our labor value in exchange for killing us slowly and causing us to kill each other, slowly or with immediate effect.
How can any of us live our roles of men born of God the Creator while we are explicitly following the directions of those that want us to follow a fictional construct that acts as a god? Aren't we as the children on the Creator actually destined on this plane to be the Creators of our lives and the universe? Still, we look to strangers with false credentials and incredibly false promises to be the saviors of our lives. These false prophets we look to (profits) are nothing more than the haters and killers of mankind, hell-bent on securing their exclusive lives to the chagrin of all that live outside their shiny castle walls.
What are your belief systems, from birth until now, and how binding are each? Only you have the means to change that. Love it or leave it.