Thursday, October 31, 2013

No Fences...

The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.

All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.

Here is an Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was.  Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years.  Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive?  It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with.  Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life's energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?

Are we all dupes?  Probably.  But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet.  That construct is flight or fight fear.  Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game.  The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.

Life itself is why we are here to begin with.  I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race.  I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden.  Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature.  That's because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature.  Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly.  We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.

Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times.  I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before. 

I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization.  An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion.  It simply grinds what was into what will be.  Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.

This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men.  On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age.  Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.

One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree.  The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did.  There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted.  There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).

I am no saint.  How could I be?  I am placed here to entertain God.  I cannot do that by doing what is advertised.  What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value.  How boring to the creator.  How pathetic to self.

The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators.  All nations are based on genocide.  All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.

We call "indian" lands and people "nations", but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, and they never had a no trespassing sign.  These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.
All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.
Here is an example….is Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was. Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years. Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive? It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with. Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life’s energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?
Are we all dupes? Probably. But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet. That construct is flight or fight fear. Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game. The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.
Life itself is why we are here to begin with. I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race. I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden. Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature. That’s because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature. Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly. We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.
Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times. I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before.
I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization. An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion. It simply grinds what was into what will be. Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.
This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men. On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age. Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.
One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree. The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did. There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted. There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).
I am no saint. How could I be? I am placed here to entertain God. I cannot do that by doing what is advertised. What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value. How boring to the creator. How pathetic to self.
The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators. All nations are based on genocide. All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.
We call “indian” lands and people “nations”, but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign. These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
- See more at:
Your message is true, Zen.

The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.

All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.

Here is an Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was.  Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years.  Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive?  It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with.  Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life's energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?

Are we all dupes?  Probably.  But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet.  That construct is flight or fight fear.  Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game.  The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.

Life itself is why we are here to begin with.  I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race.  I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden.  Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature.  That's because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature.  Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly.  We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.

Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times.  I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before. 

I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization.  An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion.  It simply grinds what was into what will be.  Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.

This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men.  On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age.  Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.

One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree.  The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did.  There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted.  There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).

I am no saint.  How could I be?  I am placed here to entertain God.  I cannot do that by doing what is advertised.  What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value.  How boring to the creator.  How pathetic to self.

The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators.  All nations are based on genocide.  All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.

We call "indian" lands and people "nations", but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign.  These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.

Your message is true, Zen.

The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.

All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.

Here is an Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was.  Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years.  Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive?  It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with.  Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life's energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?

Are we all dupes?  Probably.  But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet.  That construct is flight or fight fear.  Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game.  The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.

Life itself is why we are here to begin with.  I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race.  I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden.  Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature.  That's because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature.  Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly.  We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.

Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times.  I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before. 

I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization.  An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion.  It simply grinds what was into what will be.  Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.

This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men.  On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age.  Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.

One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree.  The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did.  There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted.  There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).

I am no saint.  How could I be?  I am placed here to entertain God.  I cannot do that by doing what is advertised.  What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value.  How boring to the creator.  How pathetic to self.

The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators.  All nations are based on genocide.  All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.

We call "indian" lands and people "nations", but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign.  These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.
All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.
Here is an example….is Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was. Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years. Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive? It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with. Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life’s energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?
Are we all dupes? Probably. But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet. That construct is flight or fight fear. Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game. The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.
Life itself is why we are here to begin with. I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race. I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden. Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature. That’s because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature. Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly. We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.
Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times. I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before.
I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization. An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion. It simply grinds what was into what will be. Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.
This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men. On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age. Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.
One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree. The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did. There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted. There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).
I am no saint. How could I be? I am placed here to entertain God. I cannot do that by doing what is advertised. What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value. How boring to the creator. How pathetic to self.
The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators. All nations are based on genocide. All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.
We call “indian” lands and people “nations”, but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign. These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
- See more at:
The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.
All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.
Here is an example….is Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was. Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years. Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive? It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with. Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life’s energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?
Are we all dupes? Probably. But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet. That construct is flight or fight fear. Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game. The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.
Life itself is why we are here to begin with. I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race. I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden. Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature. That’s because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature. Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly. We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.
Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times. I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before.
I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization. An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion. It simply grinds what was into what will be. Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.
This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men. On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age. Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.
One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree. The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did. There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted. There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).
I am no saint. How could I be? I am placed here to entertain God. I cannot do that by doing what is advertised. What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value. How boring to the creator. How pathetic to self.
The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators. All nations are based on genocide. All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.
We call “indian” lands and people “nations”, but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign. These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
- See more at:
The people are so willing to comply with the de facto organizations under any guise of the theater stage production the org deems fit.
All organizations are alive in fiction, meaning these do not breath, these do not think, these do not function outside of the belief of the living that the existence of these organizations are actually alive and real.
Here is an example….is Rome still alive? How can it be? It never was. Yet the fictional belief that Rome was real lived for hundreds of years. Is Pharaoh Egypt still alive? It cannot be since it was never alive to begin with. Why is it that we as living, breathing, heart beating beings of the Creator of the Universe are so intent on giving our life’s energy to groups of men that claim authority based on fictional creation?
Are we all dupes? Probably. But we are also still living under the construct of the men that originated this planet. That construct is flight or fight fear. Unfortunately, flight is the winning part of the game. The majority believes that their insignificant and pathetic lives are somehow more important than life itself.
Life itself is why we are here to begin with. I cannot think of or imagine one thing that intelligent man has created or intended that is not contrary to nature in the known history of this race. I believe that this is the division that was proclaimed in the story of the Garden of Eden. Since we became aware of an ability to manipulate nature, we became an adversary of nature. That’s because we as men are all flawed versions of the Creator, until we realize that we are either congruent to nature, or a force against nature. Since nature is the very thing that makes our awareness possible, the current path is futile, and deadly. We the Alpha are creating our own Omega.
Yet I also believe that the awareness of nature has seen all of this before, maybe many times. I find it quite likely that the overblown, overpopulated and overaggressive populace of this planet is going through the same motions that many have before.
I dare anyone to challenge the fact that an ice age would not destroy down to unrecognizable bits of nothing everything we call civilization. An ice age holds no time, no idealism, and no compassion. It simply grinds what was into what will be. Radiation, poisonous chemicals, weapons, and the picture on the mantle become dust, churned into a new earth, as has been done time and time again.
This current age of men is in belief that it is the greatest age of men. On the contrary, it is simply the ending of he current age in favor of the next age. Since this age is incapable of acting as God instead of playing god, then when the snowfall starts happening in earnest, stop praying, stop shoveling (the excrement), and realize that unless one lives with God, one cannot be God.
One can proclaim their belief in god X until they too are hanging from the tree. The key as it has always been is acting as God would, has, and did. There are few religious exhorts that actually act as the God they proclaim had acted. There are many demanding tithes at the altar. The corporate ladder of godlihood requires money and a great deal of religious ass kissing (among other things dealing with the posterior).
I am no saint. How could I be? I am placed here to entertain God. I cannot do that by doing what is advertised. What is advertised is that I complete a looping life based on a futile resistance to sin that has been defined by men that want my labor value. How boring to the creator. How pathetic to self.
The Indigenous peoples had it right, until they were tortured and murdered by men that wanted their land so they could create looping systems that people would follow in order to tribute their labor value to those originators. All nations are based on genocide. All nations are based on division and the control that results from that division.
We call “indian” lands and people “nations”, but they never drew a map, they never had a fence, they never had a no trespassing sign. These people existed within nature, not as fools putting themselves above it.
- See more at: